In media nocte
"Dum médium siléntium tenérent ómnia, et nox in suo cursu médium iter habéret, omnípotens sermo tuus Dómine, de cælis a regálibus sédibus venit."
”Medan djupaste tystnad omslöt allt och natten hade nått till mitten av sitt lopp, steg ditt gudomliga Ord, Herre, ned från sin himmelska tron.”
Et vidimus gloriam eius, plenum gratiae et veritatis.
Och vi såg hans härlighet, han var full av nåd och sanning.
At midnight in the piercing cold....
Hail and blessed be the hour and moment In which the Son of God was born Of the most pure Virgin Mary, at midnight, in Bethlehem, in the piercing cold. In that hour vouchsafe, I beseech Thee, O my God, to hear my prayer and grant my desires, [here mention your request] through the merits of Our Saviour Jesus Christ, and of His blessed Mother. Amen.
Marias väntan
O Jungfru, du väntade din enfödde Son i outsäglig kärlek.
Under det bittra korset blev vi dina barn, då du var försänkt i ett hav av smärta.
Nu då du är i Guds härlighet, kom ihåg oss som vandrar på denna jord och försöker följa i din Sons spår.
Förbarma dig över oss och våra upproriska hjärtan.
Ge oss nåd från din Son, så att vi når fram till målet.
Att få se den skönhet Gud har givit dig i evigheten.
Att få se Gud ansikte mot ansikte.
"Que soy era Inmaculada Concepciou"
"...And in what does this life of the Spirit in Mary consist? He Himself is uncreated Love in her; the Love of the Father and of the Son, the Love by which God loves Himself, the very love of the Most Holy Trinity. She is a fruitful Love, a "Conception." Among creatures made in God's image, the union brought about by married love is the most intimate of all. In a much more precise, more interior, more essential manner, the Holy Spirit lives in the soul of the Immaculata, in the depths of her very being. He makes her fruitful, from the very first instance of her existence, all during her life, and for all eternity.
This eternal "Immaculate Conception" [the Holy Spirit] produces in an immaculate manner Divine life itself in the womb or depths of Mary's soul, making her the Immaculate Conception, the human Immaculate Conception. And the virginal womb of Mary's body is kept sacred for Him; there He conceives in time the human life of the Man-God.
... [S]he, the Immaculata, grafted into the Love of the Blessed Trinity, becomes, from the first moment of her existence and forever afterwards, the "complement of the Blessed Trinity." In the Holy Spirit's union with Mary we observe more than the love of two beings... . ... in this union, Heaven and Earth are joined; all of Heaven with the Earth, the totality of eternal love with the totality of created love. It is truly the summit of love."
Sankt Maximilian Maria Kolbe
Sann glädje
"By uniting themselves to the Divine will, the Saints have enjoyed Paradise by anticipation in this life. Accustoming themselves to receive all things from the hands of God, says St. Dorotheus, the men of old maintained continual serenity of soul. St. Mary Magdalene of Pazzi derived such consolation at hearing the words "will of God," that she usually fell into an ecstasy of love. The instances of jangling irritation that are bound to arise will not fail to make surface impact on the senses. This however will be experienced only in the inferior part of the soul; in the superior part will reign peace and tranquillity as long as our will remains united with God's. Our Lord assured His Apostles: "Your joy no man shall take from you . . . Your joy shall be full." He who unites his will to God's experiences a full and lasting joy: full, because he has what he wants, lasting, because no one can take his joy from him, since no one can prevent what God wills from happening."
St Alfons de Ligouri
Om Guds vilja
"A devout priest relates this personal experience: For years he had prayed God to send him someone who would teach him the real spiritual life. One day, at prayer, he heard a voice saying: "Go to such and such a church and you will have the answer to your prayers." He went and at the door of the church he found a beggar, barefooted and in rags. He greeted the mendicant saying: "Good day, my friend."
"Thank you, sir, for your kind wishes, but I do not recall ever having had a 'bad' day."
"Then God has certainly given you a very happy life."
"That is very true, sir. I have never been unhappy. In saying this I am not making any rash statement either. This is the reason: When I have nothing to eat, I give thanks to God; when it rains or snows, I bless God's providence; when someone insults me, drives me away, or otherwise mistreats me, I give glory to God. I said I've never had an unhappy day, and it's the truth, because I am accustomed to will unreservedly what God wills. Whatever happens to me, sweet or bitter, I gladly receive from His hands as what is best for me. Hence my unvarying happiness."
"Where did you find God?"
"I found Him where I left creatures."
"Who are you anyway?"
"I am a king."
"And where is your kingdom?"
"In my soul, where everything is in good order; where the passions obey reason, and reason obeys God."
"How have you come to such a state of perfection?"
"By silence. I practice silence towards men, while I cultivate the habit of speaking with God. Conversing with God is the way I found and maintain my peace of soul."
Union with God brought this poor beggar to the very heights of perfection. In his poverty he was richer than the mightiest monarch; in his sufferings, he was vastly happier than worldlings amid their worldly delights."
Från St Alfonsus de Liguoris "Uniformity with God's will"
Guds kärlek och synden
"Let this mind be in you . . .
Since you are under obligation to continue on earth the holy and Divine life of Jesus, you must be animated by the sentiments and inclinations of Christ Himself, according to St. Paul the Apostle, who says: "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus" (Phil. 2, 5).
Now Jesus Christ entertained in Himself two widely opposed sentiments:
One of infinite love for His Father and for you, the other of extreme hatred for everything opposed to His Father's glory and your salvation, namely, for sin.
Since He loves His Father and you with an infinite love, He hates sin with an infinite hatred.
He so loved His Father, and so loves you, that He performed great miracles, suffered sorrowful torments, and gave up a precious life for His Father's glory and your love.
On the other hand, He holds sin in so great horror that He came down from Heaven, taking the form of a servant, and for thirty-three years He lived on earth a life of labor, of humiliation and of suffering; He shed His Blood even to the last drop; He died the most shameful and most cruel of all deaths, all for His hatred of sin, because of His intense desire to destroy all sin in you.
Now you must see to it that these same sentiments of Christ with regard to His Father and to sin continue in yourself."
St John Eudes utdrag från "The Life and the Kingdom of Jesus in Christian Souls"
"Let him take up his cross, the one that is his. Let this man or this woman, rarely to be found and worth more than the entire world (Prov. 31, 10-31), take up with joy, fervently clasp in his arms and bravely set upon his shoulders this cross that is his own and not that of another; his own cross, the one that My Wisdom designed for him in every detail of number, weight and measurement; his own cross whose four dimensions, its length, breadth, thickness and height (Eph. 3, 18), I very accurately gauged with My own hands; his own cross which all out of love for him I carved from a section of the very Cross I bore on Calvary; his Cross, the grandest of all the gifts I have for My chosen ones on earth; his Cross, made up in its thickness of temporal loss, humiliation, disdain, sorrow, illness and spiritual trial which My Providence will not fail to supply him with every day of his life; his cross, made up in its length of a definite period of days or months when he will have to bear with slander or be helplessly stretched out on a bed of pain, or forced to beg, or else a prey to temptation, dryness, desolation and many another mental anguish; his cross, made up in its breadth of hard and bitter situations stirred up for him by his relatives, friends or servants; his cross, finally, made up in its depth of secret sufferings which I will have him endure nor will I allow him any comfort from created beings, for by My order they will turn from him too and even join Me in making him suffer.
Let him carry it, and not drag it, not shoulder it off, not tighten it, nor hide it. Let him hold it high in hand, without impatience or peevishness, without voluntary complaint or grumbling, without dividing or softening, without shame or human respect. Let him place it on his forehead and say with St. Paul: "God forbid that I should glory save in the Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ" (Gal 6, 14) Let him carry it on his shoulders, after the example of Jesus Christ, and make it his weapon to victory and the scepter of his empire (Is. 9, 16)
Let him root it in his heart and there change it into a fiery bush, burning day and night with the pure love of God, without being consumed.
The cross: it is the cross he must carry for there is nothing more necessary, more useful, more agreeable and more glorious than suffering for Jesus Christ."
utdrag från Korsets Vänner av St Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort
St Gertruds bön
"Evige Fader jag frambär åt dig din gudomlige Sons dyrbaraste blod, i förening med alla mässor som firas över hela jorden idag, för alla heliga själar i skärselden, för syndare överallt, för syndare i den universella Kyrkan, för syndare i mitt eget hem och i min egen familj."
Enligt en uppenbarelse till St Gertrud så lovade Jesus att befria 1000 själar från skärselden varje gång man uppriktigt ber denna bön.
This is not Country song
"...this is not Country song..."
"To just keep the commandments ...is not even the minimum."
"The soul that has understood this great truth aims straight at the centre of life, at charity."
Heroisk förlåtelse II
Heliga Rafaela Maria
Hon blev förföljd av sina medsystrar, och hon levde förlåtelsen helhjärtat.
Magnificat of Saint Rafaela Maria
I see God very great and myself so small And I rejoice because then I see who God is and who I am.Seeing myself so small, I am centered I see what God does in me, and that is all I want.
God loves me very much. I feel especially privileged.
Truly, God has done marvels for me. God's mercy alone shelters me.
God's love reaches out to all peoples we, the beloved children! The Lord gives generously to us.
We are the ones who do not know how to welcome moments of grace. We are the ones who cut the thread of God's mercies with our lack of generosity and gratitude.
Yet the humble and simple person steals God's heart. The Lord makes use of little ones to teach the mighty because they have pleasing works.
The Lord makes use of unassuming persons to subject the proud so that everything may be attributed to God alone.
To God be glory forever and ever. Amen.
Heroisk förlåtelse
Maria Carmens far blev mördad då han försökte bevara Guds rättigheter i Spanien, han försvarade krucifixen på offentliga platser. Hans dotter bad i flera år för hans mördares omvändelse. Till sist gav hon sitt liv för deras ledares omvändelse. Ledaren som angrep kyrkan i Spanien dog landsförvisad i Frankrike, på sin dödsbädd bad han att få träffa en präst, han omvände sig och bad om Jesu förlåtelse och barmhärtighet.
Vi har alla i våra liv de vi kan be om förlåtelse och de vi kan förlåta, det är inte omöjligt, för Gud är allting möjligt, om vi tycker det är svårt låt oss be om Maria Carmens förbön.
"Allrahögste, allsmäktige, gode Herre,
din är lovsången och äran och härligheten
och din är all välsignelse,
dig allena tillkommer de
och ingen människa är värdig att ens nämna ditt namn.
Lovad vare du, min Herre
med hela din skapelse,
särskilt för broder Sol,
som skänker oss dagen och ljuset.
Vacker är han i sin väldiga glans.
Om dig, du Allrahögste, bär han vittnesbörd.
Lovad vare du, min Herre för syster Måne och stjärnorna.
På himmelen har du gjort dem lysande, tindrande och sköna.
Lovad vare du, min Herre
för broder vind och för luften
och regnet och den klara himmelen,
ja för all väderlek,
genom vilken du uppehåller din skapelse.
Lovad vare du, min Herre
för syster Vatten.
Mäkta nyttig är hon, ödmjuk, kostbar och kysk.
Lovad vare du, min Herre
för broder Eld, genom vilkan du upplyser natten åt oss.
Skön är han, lekfull, mäktig och stark.
Lovad vare du, min Herre,
för vår syster, moder Jord,
som föder oss och bär oss
och framalstrar allehanda frukter
och färgrika blomster och örter.
Lovad vare du, min Herre,
för dem som av kärlek till dig
förlåter varandra
och som tåligt bär sjukdom och lidanden.
Saliga är de, när de så håller ut i din frid.
Av dig, du Allrahögste, skall de mottaga livets krona.
Lovad vare du, min Herre,
för vår syster den lekamliga Döden,
vilken ingen levande förmår undfly.
Ve dem som dör i dödssynd.
Saliga de som möter döden
inneslutna i din allraheligaste vilja.
Dem kan den andra döden inte skada.
Lova och välsigna min Herre
och tacka och tjäna honom
i stor ödmjukhet."
St Franciskus.
A true ecological disaster
With the legalization of abortion,'a true ecological disaster' has been unleashed in Europe and will turn it into 'a continent of death.'This is a true ecological disaster, which affects the unborn child, the mother who has conceived him, the different people involved in the issue (the baby’s father, the grandparents, health care workers, etc.) and all of society that will suffer from the negative impact of this ecological disaster,” some 50 million children were not born, who would today be 50 million young people,” which Europe needs desperately as the population “is prematurely aging and is dying of sadness and despair.”
Biskopen av Tarazona Spanien
Biskopen av Tarazona Spanien
"Se Hjärtat, vilket så mycket älskar människorna"
"My divine Heart is so wrought with love for men and in especial for you, that it can no longer contain the flame of the fire of its love but must spread this flame through you and manifest itself to men to enrich them with its precious treasures: these I show you: they contain the sanctifying and saving graces needed to draw men back from the pit of perdition. And for the accomplishment of this great design, I have chosen you as an abyss of unworthiness and ignorance, in order that all should be wrought by me."
Jesus till Maria Margareta
Sta Teresa av Avila
Sta Teresa av Avila och hennes kusin var som barn fascinerade av evigheten och de visste att den snabbaste vägen dit var martyriet, så de flydde hemifrån för att missionera bland morerna. Lyckligtvis blev de stoppade bara en liten bit på vägen av en klok vuxen. :)
Annars hade vi inte haft den stora Teresa som kyrkan firar idag.
"The sign of your family
is your five wounds."
St Teresa av Avila
Genuisti qui te fecit
In te Domine speravi
Jesus jag hoppas på dig, att genom dina förtjänster få mina synders förlåtelse, och att uppnå det eviga livet: ty du har lovat detta och du är allsmäktig och oändligt barmhärtig, styrk mitt hopp!
Multi enim sunt vocati, pauci vero electi
"Många är kallade men få är utvalda" Matt 22:14
"That we are called, we know; that we are chosen, we do not know. And so the more each one of us knows not whether he is chosen, so much the more do we need to humble ourselves in humility. There are, we know, those who do not even begin to do good; and some who do not remain constant in the good works they begin. Another is seen to pass almost his whole life in evil-doing, but close to the end he is drawn back from wickedness through tears of earnest repentance. Another seems to lead the life of one of the elect, and yet it happens that at the end of his life he will turn aside to the wickedness of heresy. Another begins well, and ends even better; while another, from his first years, gives himself to every evil, and growing ever worse than himself is destroyed in the midst of these very evils. In the measure therefore that each one knows not what is yet to come, in that measure should he live in fear and anxiety for himself before God: for, and let us say it over and over again, and let us never forget it: many are called, but few are chosen."
St Gregorius den store
Helgon Vision
"Only the saints, men and women who allow themselves to be guided by the divine Spirit, ready to carry out radical and courageous choices in the light of the Gospel, renew the Church and contribute, in a decisive way, to building a better world." Benedikt XVI
Marias löften till dem som ber rosenkransen
"To all those who shall pray my Rosary devoutly, I promise my special protection and great graces.
Those who shall persevere in the recitation of my Rosary will receive some special grace.
The Rosary will be a very powerful armor against hell; it will destroy vice, deliver from sin and dispel heresy.
The rosary will make virtue and good works flourish, and will obtain for souls the most abundant divine mercies. It will draw the hearts of men from the love of the world and its vanities, and will lift them to the desire of eternal things. Oh, that souls would sanctify themselves by this means.
Those who trust themselves to me through the Rosary will not perish.
Whoever recites my Rosary devoutly reflecting on the mysteries, shall never be overwhelmed by misfortune. He will not experience the anger of God nor will he perish by an unprovided death. The sinner will be converted; the just will persevere in grace and merit eternal life.
Those truly devoted to my Rosary shall not die without the sacraments of the Church.
Those who are faithful to recite my Rosary shall have during their life and at their death the light of God and the plenitude of His graces and will share in the merits of the blessed.
I will deliver promptly from purgatory souls devoted to my Rosary.
True children of my Rosary will enjoy great glory in heaven.
What you shall ask through my Rosary you shall obtain.
To those who propagate my Rosary I promise aid in all their necessities.
I have obtained from my Son that all the members of the Rosary Confraternity shall have as their intercessors, in life and in death, the entire celestial court.
Those who recite my Rosary faithfully are my beloved children, the brothers and sisters of Jesus Christ.
Devotion to my Rosary is a special sign of predestination."
Maria till Alain de la Roche
"In all of the Vatican there is no greater treasure than the most holy rosary"
Påven Leo XIII
Jag vill också dela med mig av en av de bästa predikningar jag hört om rosenkransen.
Gaude Maria virgo: cunctas haereses sola interemisti in universo mundo. Alleluia.
Gläd dig jungfru Maria: ty du ensam har tillintetgjort alla heresier i hela världen. Halleluja!
Genom sitt obetingade ja till Herren har Maria vänt Evas olydnad och tvivel till lydnad och frälsning, inte bara för sig själv utan för hela mänskligheten.
Luk 12 35-40
Let your loins be girt and lamps burning in your hands.
And you yourselves like to men who wait for their lord, when he shall return from the wedding; that when he cometh and knocketh, they may open to him immediately.
Blessed are those servants whom the Lord, when he cometh, shall find watching. Amen I say to you that he will gird himself and make them sit down to meat and passing will minister unto them.
And if he shall come in the second watch or come in the third watch and find them so, blessed are those servants.
But this know ye, that if the householder did know at what hour the thief would come, he would surely watch and would not suffer his house to be broken open.
Be you then also ready: for at what hour you think not the Son of man will come.
St Bruno
Ett enda Ave Maria...
Kan driva undan hela helvetets här.
Hur mycket mer då rosenkransen som flera gånger ändrat historiens gång som vid slaget vid Lepanto.
Låt oss oss komma ihåg att be rosenkransen varje dag.
Såsom Maria uppmanat oss genom sina otaliga uppenbarelser i både gången och modern tid.
Salige Charles de Foucauld
Den salige Charles levde i Algeriet som eremit, i Franciskus anda missionerade han bland muslimerna, inte så mycket med ord utan framför allt genom sitt exempel.
Vår Fru av Barmhärtigheten
Två olika Augustinianer
St. Thomas of Villanova, renowned for the works of charity and love for the poor
In the early 16th century, Germany and Spain presented a curious contrast: The first was divided, scandalized, and perverted by an apostate Augustinian monk: Luther. The latter was elevated and sanctified by another Augustinian monk, St. Thomas of Villanova.
Mater Dolorosa
Exaltatione sanctae Crucis
”Jag vill aldrig någonsin berömma mig av annat än vår Herre Jesu Kristi kors.”
St Paulus
St Paulus
St Benedict Joseph LabreBed för oss.
Stå upp du som sover och Kristus skall lysa över dig!
If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.
Let us not be made desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying one another.
Brethren, and if a man be overtaken in any fault, you, who are spiritual, instruct such a one in the spirit of meekness, considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted.
Bear ye one another's burdens: and so you shall fulfil the law of Christ.
For if any man think himself to be some thing, whereas he is nothing, he deceiveth himself.
But let every one prove his own work: and so he shall have glory in himself only and not in another.
For every one shall bear his own burden.
And let him that is instructed in the word communicate to him that instructeth him, in all good things.
Be not deceived: God is not mocked.
For what things a man shall sow, those also shall he reap. For he that soweth in his flesh of the flesh also shall reap corruption. But he that soweth in the spirit of the spirit shall reap life everlasting.
And in doing good, let us not fail. For in due time we shall reap, not failing.
Therefore, whilst we have time, let us work good to all men, but especially to those who are of the household of the faith.
Flisan i din broders öga
The splinter and the beam
The Lord in this passage warns us against rash and unjust judgement. He wants us to act with a heart that is single and intent on God alone. Because there are many things about which it would be rash to pass judgement since we do not know with what kind of a heart they are done. For the most part, those who readily judge and condemn are those who love to find fault and to condemn rather than to reprove and correct (and this is the vice of pride or envy)... So if, for instance, someone sins through anger, you would reprove him through hatred. There is as much difference between anger and hatred as there is between a speck and a beam. For hatred is an inveterate anger which, in time, has come to such a pitch that it may aptly be called a beam. Even though you are angry with someone, you may nevertheless wish them to amend. But if you hate someone, you cannot wish them to change for the better... First rid yourself of hatred, and then you will immediately be able to correct the person you love.
St Augustinus
Media vita in morte sumus
In the midst of life, we are dying;
Whom shall we seek as a help, If not Thee, O Lord, Who dost rightly grow wrathful for our sins? Holy God, Holy Strong One, Holy and Merciful Saviour, Do not hand us over to a bitter death. Our fathers hoped in Thee, They hoped and Thou didst save them. Holy God, Holy Strong One, Holy and Merciful Saviour, Do not give us over to a bitter death. Our fathers cried out to Thee, They cried out and were not confounded. Holy God, Holy Strong One, Holy and Merciful Saviour, Do not hand us over to a bitter death.
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
Media vita in morte sumus;
quem quærimus adiutorem,
nisi te Domine,
Qui pro peccatis nostris iuste irasceris?
Sancte Deus,
Sancte fortis,
Sancte misericors Salvator,
amaræ morti ne tradas nos.
In te speraverunt patres nostri,
speraverunt et liberasti eos.
Sancte Deus,
Sancte fortis,
Sancte misericors Salvator,
amaræ morti ne tradas nos.
Ad te clamaverunt patres nostri,
clamaverunt, et non sunt confusi.
Sancte Deus,
Sancte fortis,
Sancte misericors Salvator,
amaræ morti ne tradas nos.
Gloria Patri, et Filio, et Spiritui Sancto.
Hopp och Förtröstan
"My God, I believe most firmly that Thou watchest over all who hope in Thee, and that we can want for nothing when we rely upon Thee in all things; therefore I am resolved for the future to have no anxieties, and to cast all my cares upon Thee.
People may deprive me of worldly goods and of honors; sickness may take from me my strength and the means of serving Thee; I may even lose Thy grace by sin; but my trust shall never leave me. I will preserve it to the last moment of my life, and the powers of hell shall seek in vain to wrestle it from me.
Let others seek happiness in their wealth, in their talents; let them trust to the purity of their lives, the severity of their mortifications, to the number of their good works, the fervor of their prayers; as for me, O my God, in my very confidence lies all my hope. "For Thou, O Lord, singularly has settled me in hope." This confidence can never be in vain. "No one has hoped in the Lord and has been confounded."
I am assured, therefore, of my eternal happiness, for I firmly hope for it, and all my hope is in Thee. "In Thee, O Lord, I have hoped; let me never be confounded."
I know, alas! I know but too well that I am frail and changable; I know the power of temptation against the strongest virtue. I have seen stars fall from heaven, and pillars of firmament totter; but these things alarm me not. While I hope in Thee I am sheltered from all misfortune, and I am sure that my trust shall endure, for I rely upon Thee to sustain this unfailing hope.
Finally, I know that my confidence cannot exceed Thy bounty, and that I shall never receive less than I have hoped for from Thee. Therefore I hope that Thou wilt sustain me against my evil inclinations; that Thou wilt protect me against the most furious assults of the evil one, and that Thou wilt cause my weakness to triumph over my most powerful enemies. I hope that Thou wilt never cease to love me, and that I shall love Thee unceasingly. "In Thee, O Lord, have I hoped; let me never be confounded."
St Claude de la Colombière
Guds Barmhärtighet
Korsets värde
"Since the King of Heaven wanted his Mother
To be plunged into the night, in anguish of heart,
Mary, is it thus a blessing to suffer on earth ?
Yes, to suffer while loving is the purest happiness !…
All that He has given me, Jesus can take back.
Tell him not to bother with me…
He can indeed hide from me, I’m willing to wait for him
Till the day without sunset when my faith will fade away…"
Therese av Lisieux
Sankt Alphonsus de' Liguori
"Leave the world and give yourself to me." Jesus till Alfonsus
Skyddshelgon för kallelser.
Biskop och kyrkolärare ffa i moralteologi och mariologi, blev på sin tid anklagad för moralisk laxism.
Heliga Maria Magdalena
Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, Pray for us.
Saint Mary Magdalene, Pray for us.
Sister of Martha and Lazarus, Pray for us.
Who didst enter the Pharisee's house to anoint the feet of Jesus, Pray for us.
Who didst wash His feet with thy tears, Pray for us.
Who didst dry them with thy hair, Pray for us.
Who didst cover them with kisses, Pray for us.
Who wast vindicated by Jesus before the proud Pharisee, Pray for us.
Who from Jesus received the pardon of thy sins, Pray for us.
Who from darkness wast restored to light, Pray for us.
Mirror of penance, Pray for us.
Disciple of Our Lord, Pray for us.
Wounded with the love of Christ, Pray for us.
Most dear to the Heart of Jesus, Pray for us.
Constant woman, Pray for us.
Last at the Cross of Jesus, first at His tomb, Pray for us.
Thou who wast the first to see Jesus risen, Pray for us.
Whose forehead was sanctified by the touch of thy risen Master, Pray for us.
Apostle of apostles, Pray for us.
Who didst choose the "better part," Pray for us.
Who lived for many years in solitude being miraculously fed, Pray for us.
Who wast visited by angels seven times a day, Pray for us.
Sweet advocate of sinners, Pray for us.
Spouse of the King of Glory, Pray for us.
V. Saint Mary Magdalene, earnestly intercede for us with thy Divine Master R. That we may share thy happiness in heaven.
Let us pray. May the glorious merits of blessed Mary Magdalene, we beseech Thee, O Lord, make our offerings acceptable to Thee: for Thine only-begotten Son vouchsafed graciously to accept the humble service she rendered. Who livest and reignest with Thee and the Holy Ghost, God for ever and ever. R. Amen.
May the prayers of blessed Mary Magdalene help us, O Lord : for it was in answer to them that Thou didst call her brother Lazarus, four days after death, back from the grave to life. Who livest and reignest with the Father and the Holy Ghost, Unity in Trinity, world without end. R. Amen.
Blood of Christ, Victor Over Demons
O God, give us the Righteous Blood for protection, the Blood of the
immaculate and pure Lamb, the precious Blood of your only Son Jesus Christ.
He made peace by his Blood shed on the cross. May his Blood, the Blood of the new and eternal Testament, the Blood cleansing us of every sin, wash us, consecrate us, save us. May the Blood of the perfect sacrifice, that was shed for many for the remission of sins, the Blood speaking better than that of Abel, make us your kingdom and your priests, so that we can overcome the Enemy by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of our testimony.
Sprinkle us with the Blood of infinite value, so that the Evil One must
leave us. May the Blood carrying salvation and remission of sins expel and ban from us every dark power, every harmful effect, every inimical influence. May the glorious Blood of the High Priest of future good things keep away from us every demonic attack, every unclean spirit, every deceiving and distorted being, every hellish incursion, every angel of Satan. May leave us and run from us every falsity, every uncleanness, every hatred, every fear, every destruction and corruption. In the power of the wonderful Blood of the crucified and risen Jesus may flee from us every destructive spirit, every rebellious angel, every venom of the ancient Serpent.
Thank you, O God, for this truly becoming because you are faithful and merciful. We thank you to be able to wash our robes and make them white in the Blood of the Lamb. Thank you for the salvation being in Jesus, sent by you as our propitiation and deliverance, in his Blood, by faith. In faith I confess that he saves and delivers. May come peace, may come joyful purity of heart, may come fraternal love, may come the Spirit of Truth and Holiness. May come your holy angels, taking us, guarding us, defending us, so that your immense Holiness should be manifested in us. Thanksgiving and glory to you for ever. Amen.
Hav av barmhärtighet
The Flying Nun
Den vördnadsvärda Maria av Agreda, missionerade framgångsrikt i de områden som nu kallas Texas och New Mexico. Hela indianstammar kom senare fram till missionärerna och begärde dopet, de talade om "den vackra kvinnan i blått". Maria av Agreda missionerade i Amerika utan att någonsin lämna sitt kloster i Spanien. Hon bilokerade dit flera hundra gånger.
Den sanna tron bekräftas ständigt av Guds mirakler.
"Dessa tecken skall följa dem som tror: i mitt namn skall de driva ut demoner, de skall tala nya tungomål,de skall ta ormar med sina händer, de skall inte bli skadade om de dricker dödligt gift, och de skall lägga sina händer på sjuka och göra dem friska." Mark 16:17
The REAL flying nun. Predikan
"Nobody knows, nobody knows the pain You suffered
No one can know, can truly know the pain You suffered
The pictures show You hanging from The Cross
No marks but the five wounds, but that's not the way it was
How many know you were covered from the soles of Your feet to the crown of Your head?
Covered with wounds, bleeding, not an inch of You free from torment
How many know?
Five thousand four hundred-eighty
blows you suffered."
Fritt från heliga Birgittas uppenbarelser
Jesus talar
"Be humble and accept the Divine Will, you will reach the end. Offer your families to my Precious Blood. I will save them. I promise to convert them before the Great Tribulation comes. There will be peace and love. I say to you adore and honor My Precious Blood.
I will allow My Precious Blood to fall on the heart of every sinner offered to My Precious Blood. I say to you offer to Me and pray for them always through My Precious Blood. I will destroy all evils in your families. I have heard your prayers. Rejoice for your request has been granted.
My children, never fail to give testimony when you see this goodness from the One who loves thee." 25 July 1997 Jesus till Barnabas i Nigeria
Frälsningens Klädnad, Skapularet
"Those who die wearing this scapular shall not suffer eternal fire!"
-Our Lady to St. Simon Stock
"Wear it devoutly and perseveringly; It is my garment. To be clothed in it means you are continually thinking of me, and I, in turn, am always thinking of you and helping you to secure eternal salvation."
"O Mary, Queen and Mother of Carmel, I come today to consecrate myself to you, for my whole life is but a small return for the many graces and blessings that have come from God to me through your hands. Since you look with special kindness on those who wear your Scapular, I implore you to strengthen my weakness with your power, to enlighten the darkness of my mind with your wisdom, and to increase in me Faith, Hope and Charity that I may repay each day my debt of humble homage to you.
May your Scapular bring me your special protection in my daily struggle to be faithful to your Divine Son and to you. May it separate me from all that is sinful in life and remind me constantly of my duty to imitate your virtues. From now on, I shall strive to live in God's Presence, and offer all to Jesus through you. Dearest Mother, support me by your never-failing love and lead me to paradise through the merits of Christ and your own intercession. Amen."
Det Heliga Mässoffret
"Allraheligaste Treenighet jag tillber dig! Min Gud min Gud jag älskar dig i altarets heliga sakrament." Guds ängel lärde denna bön till de saliga Francisco, Jacinta och Lucia.
Jesu offer äger bestånd till tidens slut. I det heliga mässoffret kommer hans offer oss till del, det blir verksamt för och i oss i tiden. I mässan får vi efter vår mottaglighet del av den nåd som Jesus vunnit för oss på korset. All nåd kommer till oss genom mässan, eftersom mässoffret är Jesu eget offer.
Anima Christi
Anima Christi, sanctifica me.
Corpus Christi, salva me.
Sanguis Christi, inebria me.
Aqua lateris Christi, lava me.
Passio Christi, conforta me.
O bone Jesu, exaudi me.
Intra tua vulnera absconde me.
Ne permittas me separari a te.
Ab hoste maligno defende me.
In hora mortis meae voca me.
Et iube me venire ad te,
Ut cum Sanctis tuis laudem te.
In saecula saeculorum.
Soul of Christ, sanctify me
Body of Christ, save me
Blood of Christ, inebriate me
Water from the side of Christ, wash me
Passion of Christ, strengthen me
O good Jesus, hear me
Within Thy wounds hide me
Separated from Thee let me never be
From the malicious enemy defend me
In the hour of my death call me
And bid me come unto Thee
That I may praise Thee with Thy saints
and with Thy angels
Forever and ever
Då min vilja i allt överensstämmer med Guds vilja.
Jag ber dig om mod Herre, att övervinna de hinder som jag satt upp för Dig i mitt liv. Jag ber Dig om ljus Herre, att se dem. Om uthållighet att kämpa mot mitt främsta fel. Om mod att i mitt elände lita helt på Din barmhärtighet, att i min svaghet helt lita på Din allmakt.
Jag ber Dig Herre om nåden att helt få förtrösta på Din försyn, Du styr allt, ingenting som sker sker utan att Du tillåter det. Ge mig nåden att inte rädas smärtan utan istället älska korset.
Jag överlämnar mig åt Dig, kärleksfulle Fader.
Som en bonus, ge mig också nåden Herre att få kunna skratta åt mig själv och min uppblåsthet.
Helgonens vishet
Av en enda droppe
"Hela världens ondska kunde avtvådd bli, av en enda droppe, och var själ bli fri."
fritt från "Adoro Te Devote"
"Cujus una stilla salvum facere
Totum mundum quit ab omni scelere." St Thomas av Aquino
"I honom och genom hans blod har vi friköpts och fått förlåtelse för våra överträdelser så rik är den nåd med vilken Gud har låtit all vishet och klokhet flöda över oss."
Ef. 1:7-8
Kyrkans moder
Most holy Virgin and Mother, whose soul was pierced by a sword of sorrow in the Passion of thy Divine Son, and who in His glorious Resurrection was filled with never ending joy at His triumph, obtain for us who call upon you, so to be partakers in the adversities of Holy Church and the Sorrows of the Sovereign Pontiff, as to be found worthy to rejoice with them in the consolations for which we pray, in the charity and peace of the same Christ our Lord. Amen.
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