Guds kärlek och synden
"Let this mind be in you . . .
Since you are under obligation to continue on earth the holy and Divine life of Jesus, you must be animated by the sentiments and inclinations of Christ Himself, according to St. Paul the Apostle, who says: "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus" (Phil. 2, 5).
Now Jesus Christ entertained in Himself two widely opposed sentiments:
One of infinite love for His Father and for you, the other of extreme hatred for everything opposed to His Father's glory and your salvation, namely, for sin.
Since He loves His Father and you with an infinite love, He hates sin with an infinite hatred.
He so loved His Father, and so loves you, that He performed great miracles, suffered sorrowful torments, and gave up a precious life for His Father's glory and your love.
On the other hand, He holds sin in so great horror that He came down from Heaven, taking the form of a servant, and for thirty-three years He lived on earth a life of labor, of humiliation and of suffering; He shed His Blood even to the last drop; He died the most shameful and most cruel of all deaths, all for His hatred of sin, because of His intense desire to destroy all sin in you.
Now you must see to it that these same sentiments of Christ with regard to His Father and to sin continue in yourself."
St John Eudes utdrag från "The Life and the Kingdom of Jesus in Christian Souls"
"Let him take up his cross, the one that is his. Let this man or this woman, rarely to be found and worth more than the entire world (Prov. 31, 10-31), take up with joy, fervently clasp in his arms and bravely set upon his shoulders this cross that is his own and not that of another; his own cross, the one that My Wisdom designed for him in every detail of number, weight and measurement; his own cross whose four dimensions, its length, breadth, thickness and height (Eph. 3, 18), I very accurately gauged with My own hands; his own cross which all out of love for him I carved from a section of the very Cross I bore on Calvary; his Cross, the grandest of all the gifts I have for My chosen ones on earth; his Cross, made up in its thickness of temporal loss, humiliation, disdain, sorrow, illness and spiritual trial which My Providence will not fail to supply him with every day of his life; his cross, made up in its length of a definite period of days or months when he will have to bear with slander or be helplessly stretched out on a bed of pain, or forced to beg, or else a prey to temptation, dryness, desolation and many another mental anguish; his cross, made up in its breadth of hard and bitter situations stirred up for him by his relatives, friends or servants; his cross, finally, made up in its depth of secret sufferings which I will have him endure nor will I allow him any comfort from created beings, for by My order they will turn from him too and even join Me in making him suffer.
Let him carry it, and not drag it, not shoulder it off, not tighten it, nor hide it. Let him hold it high in hand, without impatience or peevishness, without voluntary complaint or grumbling, without dividing or softening, without shame or human respect. Let him place it on his forehead and say with St. Paul: "God forbid that I should glory save in the Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ" (Gal 6, 14) Let him carry it on his shoulders, after the example of Jesus Christ, and make it his weapon to victory and the scepter of his empire (Is. 9, 16)
Let him root it in his heart and there change it into a fiery bush, burning day and night with the pure love of God, without being consumed.
The cross: it is the cross he must carry for there is nothing more necessary, more useful, more agreeable and more glorious than suffering for Jesus Christ."
utdrag från Korsets Vänner av St Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort
St Gertruds bön
"Evige Fader jag frambär åt dig din gudomlige Sons dyrbaraste blod, i förening med alla mässor som firas över hela jorden idag, för alla heliga själar i skärselden, för syndare överallt, för syndare i den universella Kyrkan, för syndare i mitt eget hem och i min egen familj."
Enligt en uppenbarelse till St Gertrud så lovade Jesus att befria 1000 själar från skärselden varje gång man uppriktigt ber denna bön.
This is not Country song
"...this is not Country song..."
"To just keep the commandments not even the minimum."
"The soul that has understood this great truth aims straight at the centre of life, at charity."
Heroisk förlåtelse II

Heliga Rafaela Maria
Hon blev förföljd av sina medsystrar, och hon levde förlåtelsen helhjärtat.
Magnificat of Saint Rafaela Maria
I see God very great and myself so small And I rejoice because then I see who God is and who I am.Seeing myself so small, I am centered I see what God does in me, and that is all I want.
God loves me very much. I feel especially privileged.
Truly, God has done marvels for me. God's mercy alone shelters me.
God's love reaches out to all peoples we, the beloved children! The Lord gives generously to us.
We are the ones who do not know how to welcome moments of grace. We are the ones who cut the thread of God's mercies with our lack of generosity and gratitude.
Yet the humble and simple person steals God's heart. The Lord makes use of little ones to teach the mighty because they have pleasing works.
The Lord makes use of unassuming persons to subject the proud so that everything may be attributed to God alone.
To God be glory forever and ever. Amen.
Heroisk förlåtelse

Maria Carmens far blev mördad då han försökte bevara Guds rättigheter i Spanien, han försvarade krucifixen på offentliga platser. Hans dotter bad i flera år för hans mördares omvändelse. Till sist gav hon sitt liv för deras ledares omvändelse. Ledaren som angrep kyrkan i Spanien dog landsförvisad i Frankrike, på sin dödsbädd bad han att få träffa en präst, han omvände sig och bad om Jesu förlåtelse och barmhärtighet.
Vi har alla i våra liv de vi kan be om förlåtelse och de vi kan förlåta, det är inte omöjligt, för Gud är allting möjligt, om vi tycker det är svårt låt oss be om Maria Carmens förbön.
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